Profile: Sidekicks Chris Hausfeld Dehan English 101 Substantive Revision-profile Sidekicks We arose out of the flowage dripping with black mud and covered with blood- sucking leeches. Our guns pointed toward the foe. We discharged at the incoming platoon of adversary soldiers. The barrage of pots seemed endless. We were heavily outnumbered temporary hookup under constant gunfire from the enemy at around point-blank range. We were pummeled by habilitate after clip of bullets from the enemy while grenades exploded all around us. Our human body was not pierced by one bullet nor were we injure by one piece of flying shrapnel.

A entertain of responsibility surrounded us deflecting the objects that were hurtled toward us. We fired our remaining bullets from our M-16s with to each one bullet finding its intended target. We had wiped out the entire enemy platoon of twenty men. The enemy had underestimated the combined forces of Lieutenant Christopher Gavitt and Private Chris Hausfeld. numerous geezerhood ago, dur...If you want to get a full essay, assign it on our website:
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